Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Spring Has Arrived

But it certainly doesn't look like spring as I look out my window at a winter wonderland. Oh, well, I know it can't last. A few more days and the rain will send all the snow into the netherworld where it will dwell until next winter. In the meantime, I can pretend that it's sunny and warm.

While waiting for the first brush of spring to turn the grass green and push the shoots of young flowers through the soil, I'm busy promoting my two newest books. Check out this link to the books page on my website to see what I've got for you to read. I'm sure you'll find something to suit your taste. www.catherineannecollins.com/books.html

I'd also like to introduce you to the newest members of our growing animal farm. Pixie, Lightning and Timber.

Pixie was the tiniest kid I'd seen of the over 800 born during the first weeks on the goat farm where I work. He used to stare at me constantly and I just couldn't imagine the poor guy going to the auction to be bought for meat, soooooo, I brought him home. Of course, I couldn't bring him home alone, all my other goats are too big for him to be with for awhile. I decided that Lightning with his airplane ears would make a great buddy for Pixie. I didn't realize until I saw them together that if Pixie was the smallest kid, Lightning had to be one of the biggest. He stood twice as tall and weighed twice as much as little Pixie. Oh, well, they get along great.
Now, raising my goat herd to 7 goats means I have more to worry about when it comes to coyotes. That's where Timber comes in. A Livestock Guardian Dog, Timber's job is to guard all my guys against predators. He lives with the goats and has been amazing at pushing all coyotes back from our home and barn. Where once we would see coyote tracks in our front yard, we now can only hear them howling way off in the distance. Poor Timber spends half the night barking and patrolling the property to keep the coyotes away, which means he spends a good part of the day sleeping. I guarantee I won't be without one of these LGD's ever again.
See you later,